Students & Parents » Attendance, Dress Code, Cirizenship

Attendance, Dress Code, Cirizenship



In order to fully benefit from the instructional program, students must be on time and in attendance daily. We want to encourage students to be at school daily and have several incentive programs in place to recognize students for good attendance.

By state law, “excused” absences include illness or injury, medical or dental/orthodontist appointment, and attendance at a funeral of an immediate family member. All other absences are “unexcused.”  Due to changes in state policies for attendance accounting, we prefer if you call the office to confirm all absences. When a student MUST be absent, please notify the school each day unless previous arrangements were made on the first contact.  If you cannot call the school, please send a note with the date of the absence and the reason for the absence when your child returns to school.  Absences must be cleared within 3 days.  If an absence is not cleared within 3 school days, the absence will be considered a truancy.  The school answering machine is on from 3:30 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. daily.  Do not allow your child’s absences to remain unverified as this may result in a referral to the School Attendance Review Board (S.A.R.B.).


School should be a safe, orderly environment where all students are able to learn academic and social skills.  While attending classes and participating in school approved and sponsored activities students should be clean, neatly groomed, and dressed appropriately for an academic learning environment.  Clothing, hair styles, and/or general appearance that are distracting or disruptive to the normal conduct of classes or activities, endanger the physical safety of students, or reflect gang behavior, are not acceptable.

It is the responsibility of parents to insure that their students are dressed and groomed appropriately for school.  It is the responsibility of the principal to determine whether apparel is in violation of the dress code.

Clothing not permitted at school:

  • Tops with narrow straps or spaghetti straps (straps should be two inches wide), tops with large arm holes (jerseys), tops that have a low neckline.

  • Ribbed undershirts (tank style), or racer-backed style.

  • Any clothing that exposes underwear or bare midriffs (no belly buttons)

  • Clothing, writing, symbols, jewelry, or tattoos that denote or promote violence, prejudice, hatred, gangs, sex, drugs, alcohol, or tobacco

  • Hanging chains (no watch or wallet fobs)

  • Steel-toed boots or shoes, no rubber shower shoes (flip-flops). 

Other clothing requirements:

For safety reasons shoes or sandals must be worn at all times.

K-5 students may wear sandals, but they must have a back strap across the heel.

Tennis Shoes should be worn during P.E.

6-8 students may wear flip flops that are substantial (not shower shoes)

Tennis Shoes should be worn during P.E.

Hats may not be worn inside any building on campus.  If a student is seen with a hat on inside a building it will be confiscated until the end of the day.


  • Show respect for all persons and property;

  • Behave in a manner consistent with a safe, orderly, academic environment;

  • Promptly and without argument, accept the authority of all teachers, instructional and yard duty aides, and other Lo-Inyo staff members

(An adult on this campus will not ask a student to do anything harmful or unsafe, and therefore should be obeyed without argument);

  • Complete all assigned work to the best of their ability.

Students who behave in accordance with our discipline policy will be encouraged by classroom and school wide positive environments.  We expect and encourage the best from each of our Lo-Inyo students.

S.A.R.B BP 5113

Besides the inherent loss of crucial learning time and subsequent reflection on grades, excessive absences or tardiness may result in retention or referral to the School Attendance Review Board for legal recourse.  It is against the law to keep your child out of school.

Truancy Defined:  If a student has more than three (3) excused or unexcused absences, or more than three (3) tardies over 30 minutes, or a combination of either totaling more than three (3), the district or school can move forward with the notification process.  Additionally, an absence anytime throughout the day in excess of 30 minutes without a valid excuse is treated in the same manner as an unexcused absence and warrants written notification to parents.

Regular school attendance is fundamentally important to the academic success of a child.  The goal of Lone Pine Unified School District is consistent school attendance. 

To begin the SARB process:

  • After 3 absences or tardies, the first Excessive Absence Notice will be sent.  At that time, the parent is encouraged to contact the principal to discuss the situation.

  • After 1 or more absences or tardies following the 1stnotice, the 2ndnotice will be sent.  At this time parents will be given an appointment date and time to meet with the principal to resolve the issue.

  • If the parent makes no effort to resolve the issue with the administration, the SARB secretary will be asked to schedule a SARB hearing date.

  • If the parent does meet with the principal, yet the student is absent or tardy again, the SARB secretary will be asked to schedule a SARB hearing date.

  • Once a SARB hearing date is requested by the district or school site, the District Attorney’s office will send notification to the parents in the form of a SARB summons letter.

  • A hearing will be held to discuss the issues surrounding the child’s attendance.  A ruling will be made by the court.

Noncompliance may result in a monetary fine or further legal action.